This blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School in Auckland, through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
first Airplane Trip
Here my reading
1. Explain the job of a pilot
they fly plane’s
2. How does Jake and his mum travel to the airport?
a. in a plane b. in their car
c. in a taxi d. in a bus
3. What does the pilot say to Jake?
welcome aboard
4. What does Jake do before the plane takes off?
a. has a nap b. takes out Panda
c. eats a snack d. buckles his seatbelt
5. Who is Panda?
a. Jake's brother b. a large animal
c. Jake's pet d. a stuffed animal
6. What does Jake whisper to Panda?
i like flying
7. Read this sentence from the story: On the ground, the cars and houses look like toys.
What does this mean?
a. The cars and houses looked very big.
b. The cars and houses looked very small.
c. The cars and houses did not move.
d. Jake could not see the cars and houses.
Interpreting Art
this is a presontason of art We are learning to share our interpretation of what the artist is telling us through their pieces.
When you’ve finished, you can play art games here
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Monday, 1 December 2014
Auckland Art Gallery
On Friday the 21st of November we had our trip to the Auckland Art Gallery’,’ When we arrived we sat outside and waited for the people to come We were got inside the teacher told us some things about where we were going. group started with lego’’ made steps to a lego piece that said love Next we went to this mean as room called the Learning Centre it was cool it had a big tv that had a camera. There was a machine that you can listen to and blue,green red lights
idethe teacher told us some things about where we were going. group started with lego.’’ Made steps to a lego piece that said love’’’’ Next we went to this mean as room called the Learning Centre it was cool it had a big tv that had a camera. There was a machine that you can. Listen to and blue,green red lights shining from the projector After that we walked around where all the statues And old arts. When we were
walking we saw this big thing it looked like a big metal D we all was allowed to climb it it was a little stink because i did not get a turn on it.We had to get our bags for morning tea. then we went to this place when this lady tell us about the
was three people that was walking then they saw an old lady that can tell when you are going to die and have how much dogs how much kidneys you're. Gonna
have and all that i am going to get married because there is a m on my hand.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
The Strange Star
We are learning to use and find relevant parts of the text to answer questions accurately. When Papa first took Rosie to the beach at night, she didn't see any stars. Why?
Because it was foggy
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Sentence: We are learning to find and use relevant parts of the text to answer questions accurately.
2. What does the latin word ‘Lego’ mean? fit together 3. What does the Danish word ‘Lego’ mean? play well
Friday, 17 October 2014
time in a week
this week we've been leaning about time we had to work out how much time minutes we spent brushing
our teeth and whtching t,v hrer is my pic graph that show's how much time i spend in a week
our teeth and whtching t,v hrer is my pic graph that show's how much time i spend in a week
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse was an artist and painter. He painted a women with a hat and rain stream. Henri grew up in France. He lived until he was 85 years old.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
how much time i spend during one week
this graph is showing how much time we spent doing these activies we uesed examples from chidren
in our class we uesd multiplication and addition to work out how many minutes we spent doing each activites. here is our class example.
in our class we uesd multiplication and addition to work out how many minutes we spent doing each activites. here is our class example.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Art attack
our inquiry this term is called ‘’Art Attack’’ here is my title card and three questions that i hope to find answers for them
1,who made paint ?
2, who made paper?
3,who made colour’s ?
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
commonwealth sport animation rubric
Here is my mark that i think i desetve i think worked really hard
on this trem animation next trem my gloa is to get a do better mark
on this trem animation next trem my gloa is to get a do better mark
Thursday, 18 September 2014
to day in c.r.e Galatians 6: 9-10 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. here is a link for you
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Olly’s new bike
We are learning to use clues in the story to help our understanding. Our Buzzy Bees group read Olly’s New Bike written by Melissa Leighton and illustrated by Donovan Bixley. Here is what I think the message of the story is.
1. List 3 the things that were wrong with Olly’s bike
his bike was old and broken
2. What did Olly have to do in return for Mohammed fixing his bike?
looking after his son and giving muffins
3. Explain one idea why couldn’t Korfa make any new friends?
because there was know kids
Friday, 5 September 2014
World’s Water Running Out
Hints: Full stops:3 capital letters:9 commas: 2 exclamation marks: 0 question marks: 0 speech marks: 2 apostrophes: 1 Here is my paragraph. Look and see where I have put the correct punctuation marks. world leaders are gathering in washington today to discuss the worsening water crisis water may soon need to be rationed said u.s president amelia topp if we carry on wasting it there simply won’t be enough to go round
Record music with Vocaroo >>
“World” leaders are Gathering in Washington today. To discuss the worsening Water. “Crisis water may soon need to be” Rationed said us President amelia topp if We carry on wasting it there simply won’t be enough to go round.
today my Punctuating a Paragraph points is 2%16
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Fronting the Show
My group the Buzzy Bees read an article called Fronting the Show by Liz Oakes. We are learning to identify key words and main ideas in the text1. Explain why having Daniel as a presenter is good for the film
because he trained for it
2. Why does Daniel have a microphone clipped to his shirt?
so that he can talk to the people
3. Why is the role of the director important?
so that they now what it is about
4. Why does filming take a very long time?
because he forgets his lines and some people walk in the way and he doesn't speak clearly enough
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
african righting
Have you been to africa before? There are 1.111 billion people that lives in there.
Madagascar is a country that is not connected to africa. did you know that there is a ice in some places. africa is the second largest continent in the world . Some Africans eat zebra, crocodiles. Rice and vegetables are common foods. There are over 100 different languages spoken in Africa too.
Audio and voice recording >>

African Facts
africa is a continent and it has the largest population lasson in the world it is made in many countries and has meny cochers the climate rage is from copacol to somekdit the main sources of food‘s are rice vegetables eggs and beans africa have are lot of wildlife which include elephants lone caramels and gerrafth.
Audio recording and upload >>
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Wild Orphans
Friday, 29 August 2014
Hi my name is Germaine i am going to do 3 quiz for you
Thursday, 28 August 2014
1. Explain what a ‘calabash’ is
it is a wooden thing
2. Why was frog’s job important?
so that
he doesn't lose his job
3. Why couldn’t the mouse clean the calabash?
because he was too big and too fat
I am learning to find the key words and the main ideas in the story.
4. Explain why cockroach was the best insect for the job
because it eat all the dirt and rubbish
Thursday, 14 August 2014
brad dring rapture ruckus
Today in c.r.e we talked about Brad Dring. he wanted to play the drums. When he was little he would get his mums pots and get the wooden spoon's and play his version of drums
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. click here for the verse.
boxing at the commnowaeth games
boxing is a course spot of the commonwealth games which stated in 1930. competitor are grouped according to their weight divisions this very in thirteen different categories from lightweight to fly weight to super heavyweight
Audio and voice recording >>
Audio and voice recording >>
Friday, 8 August 2014
My New Zealand Commonwealth Athlete
Mike Collings represented New Zealand at the Commonwealth Games in shooting. He is 59 years old and is from the Lower Hutt. Mike started shooting when he was only 10 years old.
Punctuating a paragraph
“Go” yelled dad!! “He was yelling at the tv” while watching the boxing durng the Commonwealth Games.Dad was watching very intensely David Nyika looked strong. boom! “His opponent was knocked to the ground”. Hooray! we all shouted!! “David” won. gold and he is a champion wow I thought? I want to be a boxer when i grow up.i got 8%out of 20%
The Commonwealth Games
<object width="148" height="44"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" width="148" height="44" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br><a href="" style="font-size:xx-small;" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder">Record music and voice >></a>the commonwealth games have come to an end the athletes train almost four years around to compete they travel around the world taking part in many competition they challenge tuff competences it is time for the trainer or a coach. sometimes they live in academies.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
being a good role model
Today in c.r.e we were talking about Wynton Rufer how he played foot ball for new zealand. Do you know what the New Zealand foot ball name is? it is the All Whites. After that Mrs Clarke showed us a movie it was of Wynton Rufer doing some tricks.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Being a champon
Today in c.r.e. we were talking about peter Snell how he is a fast runner. He is the second fasted runner that i know. if a thing is worth doing it worth doing well peter snell. whatever you do work at it with all your heart - Paul
Thursday, 31 July 2014
The XX Commonwealth Games
Record and upload voice >>the commonwealth is known as the friendly games it is a multi sport event that happens every four years and is hosted in different countries around the world in 2010 the games were held in delhi india the next games a going to be held in 2018 gold coast australia in current commonwealth games are in glasgow scotland and athletics
Friday, 25 July 2014
peter travels to wellington
this week we have been learning about length. to learning about kilometres we used Google maps. we had to find out how many kilometres there are from auckland to wellington.the answer is 650 km.
i found out that there 650 kilometres from auckland to taupo.
i found out that there 650 kilometres from auckland to taupo.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Monday, 21 July 2014
my paper plane
Friday, 4 July 2014
Monday, 30 June 2014
moon walking
Craters of the Moon
1. What is the Craters of the Moon?
thermal area
2. How is the Craters of the moon like being on the surface of the moon? nothing can live on the moon
3. Describe what sulphur smells like
rotten eggs
There’s a place in Taupo that is similar to being on the surface of the moon. Here’s why.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Having Patience
Today in c.r.e Mrs Clarke talked about king Saul how he was jealous of David because David was going to be the king. King Saul said to himself and said I am going to kill that David and then he looked for him and it took him for days to find David. then he saw a cave and went in the cave. While the king was sleeping David cut off a piece from his cloak.
Beach frogs
Title: Beach Frogs
1. Why do frogs sleep in winter? List 2 reasons and explain
Reason 1:because its cold
Reason 2:and so the eggs are not cold
2. List all the things you need if you want to keep frogs at home
Friday, 20 June 2014
Invisible Fluff
Thursday, 19 June 2014
David and Goliarth
today in C.R.E we have been leaning about David and Goliath . David and Goliath had battle.david
was brave and he vs Goliath the rest of the people
was brave and he vs Goliath the rest of the people
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
my favorite faamily member
My favorite family member is my big brother Jade he is the best brother in the whole world. In the weekends, we always like watch fast and the furious and we play soccer out side too. For the rest of the week we have a rest and we play games. My brother Jade makes us popcorn to eat and watch movies. after that we go to sleep then we wake up and he makes me and him breakfast he makes us weetbix and my dad walks me to school. I can't wait until school is finished so that I can have more fun with my big brother.
My big brother had his kickboxing fight in the ring again
he won his fight and i said yaaay you won the fight then my mum and my dad brought us some KFC then we want home and me and my brother played the game
Monday, 16 June 2014
ten waka for christmas
Title: Ten Waka for Christmas
1. Why were making waka for presents a good idea? List 2 reasons and explain your answers because they wanted to have a race and see who wins
2. Why does the double waka work well?
because it did not tip over and it floated
Thursday, 12 June 2014
today in C.R.E . my favourite verse is Luke chapter 3 verse 16 Jesus said, let children come to me
and do not stop them because the kingdom of god belongs to such as these. We sang a song and prayed too.
and do not stop them because the kingdom of god belongs to such as these. We sang a song and prayed too.
We have been learning about similes. Here is a presentation that I have made to compare different things.
Monday, 9 June 2014
my weekend
in the weekend i went to my aunty and uncles house.
me and my cousin jake and my other cousin buu . my cousin buu was in the living room and. me and my other cousin jake was playing halo 4.and i picked a stage then we played the game.later on my cousin jake buyed a tank then i tuned into a flying robot. cousin jake tuned.
in to a person and he was going to shoot the tank and blow it up but
then i took the tank away and he said wheres my tank then i tuned into a person and i had a hammer and i was falling then i hammerd him and he died then my cousin jake cried and i said i win . we went to a different stag and we stated that game . i tuned into a flying
robot and went to this brig and buyed a robot and i was killing him and he died
Friday, 6 June 2014
The Rice Balls
Title: The Rice Balls.
he thought that he should lef some jewels for the mouse
because he took all the jewels and the jewels was leaving the whole open
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Friday, 30 May 2014
Fishy First Aid
Fishy First Aid
pril of rocks
because he was swimming in circles
mckerrow carefully fliced the
Sentence: Have you ever done first aid on a fish?
Friday, 23 May 2014
the night the light went out
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
the rescue

Thursday, 8 May 2014
the cabin in the hills
1. Describe in one sentence what did they do to try and get the possum out of the cabin
clapping loud
2. Explain where you think possums live
i think the possums live in the woods
Click here for your activity
Title: The Cabin in the Hills
Sentence: Have you read this story before? Here are some pictures and parts of the story for you to read.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
my amazing holiday
in my cool holiday i stayed home and played my uncle moses ps3 the game that i was playing is ?Saints row the third i just knock people out. but my uncle said Do the mission s . i did the missions i was flying after a guy in halley copder. I finished the mission i got heaps of money i got 9.00000 bucks . now i got 10. 00000 bucks i bought me a ninja suit and i even bought a bandana so i have? A ninja suit and a bandana so for my clothing
.Is a ninja suit and a purple bandana and purple shoes and black glasses the i had dinner . I ask is this KFC and my uncle moses said yes but its my way of making KFC then i was finished my food. And i said thank you uncle moses then i played the game again. This mission was my favorite mission you have to go in to this place and knock the aimed mascots. And enemies out the place for the mission is like a obcececores.
But i had to do this mission ten times because i get knocked out from the side. but then i did not forget that i got kock from the side.then i knock them out then the mascots was hard but i won the mission. i got 100 bucks now i'm a billion year
i brought me a fast car and it goes fast as that i crashed but i found a race then i signed up for it and i won
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
the cabin in the hills
Answer the following questions:
1. Who slept on the top bunk last time?
2. How did they know something was in the cabin?
caue ben heard something moving about
3. Why did they need to be careful?
because they can fall over in the dark
Dad, Mitch and Ben had to hurry__________ to the cabin because it was getting dark. It was Mitch’s turn to sleep on the __top___________ bunk. ben______________ heard something moving in the cabin. Dad went into the cabin, shone the ___torch____________ and saw two __shining eyes___________.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Middle Kapahaka from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Planning: Paragraph One: I was feeling shy because the boys had to wear a pareu but it was short . Luckily it was not cold at all. Me and Russell and we did not need our jumpers. My group and I were going hard just one person just one did not go hard. I think that our performers was cool . Paragraph Two: My favorite item was my group and hip hop. My favorite part about hip hop was there music and there dancing. my favorite part is about my group is the haka. my mum and my dad and my aunties and my friend wich is my aunt's friend said that my performance was cool and ther said that i did the haka good Paragraph Three: I am going to be in kapahaka again next timeFriday, 11 April 2014
Thursday, 3 April 2014
leaning how to swim
Planning / Writing Frame:
some reasons why to learn how swim . I am going to explain three. reasons for lining how to swim Do you know how to swim ?Learning how to swim is important. there are
Paragraph Two:
one of the reasons is go to the pools and get tough by an instructor the instructor will help you to swim and you will need to maybe go there for five weeks .And then you will know how to swim.
Paragraph Three:
when you know how to swim you should go for a swim i. you should go to the beach and its a really really really hot day you should go for a swim? If you don t go for a swim you should go for a cold shower
learning how to swim is important because you can drown you .should go to your local pools and ask them can you give some swimming lossinsons so you don't drown and you can go deep like me

Thursday, 27 March 2014
swimming lessons
Have you been thought by a instructor before ? well i have .
we go there for swimming lesions we have been going there for the past week and this week to. so that means two weeks swimming is important because we can drown even an adult can drown so they have to learn how to swim .so they can survive in the water.
My favorite part about swimming was the rocket arms because we put our head under the water and thats how i win the underwater comparison i lost ones but i one the rest of the time but now i want to cket arms i have to breath without breaking my arms but i am good at everything else. really swim now it looks cool my. goal is to get better at rocket
My favorite part about swimming was the rocket arms because we put our head under the water and thats how i win the underwater comparison i lost ones but i one the rest of the time but now i want to cket arms i have to breath without breaking my arms but i am good at everything else. really swim now it looks cool my. goal is to get better at rocket
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
dictagloss week 8
the sun shone birtle as we walk quietly to our swimming lessons.
The sun shone brightly as we walk quietly to our swimming lessons
i was feeling exhausted. From the brisk walk when i dipped my toes in the. pool it was glistening water i felt a cold goded running up my leg. i quietly dove into the pool and refreshingly as the day be hide me dierpad.
i think i did ok
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Monday, 24 March 2014
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Monday, 10 March 2014
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
growing pumpkins
when its spring thats means it’s time for the plants to get on the ground
its summer time thats means
the pumpkins is bigger and bigger
the pumpkings are ready to pick up
winter grandad save the other ones for winter
how to be a good friend
how to make a good friend
to make a good friend is to be caring for other friend ‘s like when they get crying because she or he fall of the park and then you can take them to the sick bay so he or she can get better.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
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